Start your journey, today!

Course curriculum

Includes Two Hours of One on One Coaching

    1. Syllabus

    1. VIDEO_Session 1.1

    2. VIDEO_Session 1.2

    1. VIDEO_Session 2.1

    2. VIDEO_Session 2.2

    1. VIDEO_Session 3.1

    2. VIDEO_Session 3.2

    1. VIDEO_Session 4.1

    2. VIDEO_Session 4.2

    1. VIDEO_Session 5.1

    2. VIDEO_Session 5.2

About this course

  • $899.99
  • 15 lessons
  • 26 hours of video content
  • 2 Hours of One on One Coaching

You're In the Right Place

Perfect for students, Outdoor Industry Pros, and Professional PMs looking to break into the industry.

  • Students

    This course is perfect for students

  • Industry Pros

    In the industry, and want to make the move to product.

  • Professional PM

    Product Manager in a different industry, looking to understand what it takes to make the switch.

Start your journey, today!